ATPL250A is a G3-PLC modem for Power Line Communication. G3- PLC is an open standard technology supported by internationally recognized standards bodies and promoted by the G3-PLC Alliance. Representatives from the Smart Grid ecosystem such as leading utilities, meter manufacturers, system integrators, IT vendors, automotive companies and silicon providers constitute the G3-PLC Alliance.
ATPL250A flexible architecture, composed of hardware accelerators and coprocessors, achieves a very efficient G3 PHY layer implementation. ATPL250A supports G3-PLC CENELEC, ARIB and FCC profiles, and represents a compact and high-efficient device for a wide range of Smart Grid applications such as Smart Metering (Smart Meters and Data Concentrators), Lighting, Industrial/Home Automation, Home and Building Energy Management Systems, Solar Energy and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Charging Stations. ATPL250A has been conceived to be bundled with an external Microchip MCU. Microchip provides a G3 PHY layer library which is used by the external MCU to take control of ATPL250A PHY layer device.