- Single cycle 32 x 32-bit Multiplier
- Single cycle I/O access port
- Oscillator (OSC) - Supports 32.768kHz crystal or 4MHz to 24MHz crystal or ceramic resonator
- Internal clock source (ICS)
- Internal 1kHz Low-power oscillator (LPO)
- Power management module (PMC) with three power modes - run, wait, stop
- Low-voltage detection (LVD) with reset or interrupt, selectable trip points
- Watchdog with independent clock source (WDOG)
- Programmable cyclic redundancy check module (CRC)
- Serial wire debug interface (SWD)
- Aliased SRAM bit band region (BIT-BAND)
- Bit manipulation engine (BME)
- 80-bit Unique identification (ID) number per chip
- Two 32-bit Keyboard interrupt modules (KBI)
- External interrupt (IRQ)
- Two analog comparators containing a 6-bit DAC and programmable reference input (ACMP)
- One 6-channel Flex timer/PWM (FTM)
- Two 2-channel Flex timer/PWM (FTM)
- 2-channel Periodic interrupt timer (PIT)
- Pulse width timer (PWT)