The MUX-24 is a monolithic four-channel differential analog multiplexer configured in a double pole, four position (plus OFF) electronic switch array. A two-bit binary input address connects a pair of independent analog inputs from each four channel input section to the corresponding pair of independent analog outputs.
All switches in the MUX-08/MUX-24 are turned OFF by applying logic "0" to the ENABLE pin, thereby providing a package select funtion.
Fabricated with Precision Monolithics' high performance Bipolar-JFET technology, these devices offer low, constant "ON" resistance, low leakage currents and fast settling time with low crosstalk to satisfy a wide variety of applications.
These multiplexors do not suffer from latch-up or static charge blow-out problems associated with similar CMOS parts. The digital inputs are designed to operate form both TTL and CMOS levels while always providing a definite break-before-make action without the need for external pull-up resistors over the full operating temperature range.
- JFET Switches Rather than CMOS
- Low "ON" Resistance: 220Ω
- Highly Resistant to Static Discharge Damage
- NO SCR Latch-Up Problems
- Digital Inputs Compatbile with TTL and CMOS
- 125°C Temperature Tested Dice Available
- MUX-08 Pin Compatible with DG508, HI-508A, IH5108, IH6108, LF11508, 12508, 13508, AD7506
- See datasheet for additional features