The IRS20957S is a high voltage, high speed MOSFET driver with a floating PWM input designed for Class D audio amplifier applications. It features a bi-directional current sensing to detect over current conditions during positive and negative load currents without any external shunt resistors. A built-in protection control block provides a secure protection sequence against over-current conditions and a programmable reset timer. The internal dead-time generation block enables accurate gate switching and optimum dead-time setting for better audio performance, such as lower THD and lower audio noise floor.
- Floating PWM input enables easy half bridge implementation
- Programmable bidirectional over-current protection with self-reset function
- Programmable preset dead-time for improved THD performances
- High noise immunity
- +/- 100 V ratings deliver up to 500 W in output power
- 3.3 V/ 5 V logic compatible input
- Operates up to 800 kHz
- Home theatre systems
- Mini component stereo systems
- Powered speaker systems
- General purpose audio power amplifiers