The TDA7498L is a dual BTL class-D audio amplifier with single power supply designed for home systems and active speaker applications.
It comes in a 36-pin PowerSSO package with exposed pad up (EPU) to facilitate mounting a separate heatsink.
- 100W+100WoutputpoweratTHD=10%withRL=6ΩandVCC=36V
- 80W+80WoutputpoweratTHD=10%withRL=8ΩandVCC=34V
- Wide-rangesingle-supplyoperation(14-39V)
- Highefficiency(η=90%)
- Fourselectable,fixedgainsettingsofnominally25.6 dB,31.6 dB,35.1dBand37.6 dB
- Differentialinputsminimizecommon-modenoise
- Standbyandmutefeatures
- Short-circuitprotection
- Thermaloverloadprotection
- Externallysynchronizable