

  • 描述:放大器的种类: 可变增益 电线数量: one 供应商设备包装: 8-VSSOP 工作温度: -40摄氏度~85摄氏度 安装类别: 表面安装
  • 品牌:
  • 交期:5-7 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽

起订量: 101

  • 库存: 13490
  • 单价: ¥21.51141
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥2,172.65

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 电线数量 one
  • 输出类别 -
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 增益带宽积 -
  • 输出电流 / 通道 80 mA
  • 工作温度 -40摄氏度~85摄氏度
  • 包装/外壳 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00毫米 Width)
  • 供应商设备包装 8-VSSOP
  • 电压输入偏移 -
  • 最大电源电压 12伏
  • 最小电源电压 7 V
  • 工作电流 11毫安
  • 压摆率 1500V/s
  • 制造厂商
  • 放大器的种类 可变增益
  • 3db 频段宽度 150兆赫
  • 电流输入偏置 600 nA

LMH6505MMX/NOPB 产品详情

The LMH6505MMX/NOPB is a wideband DC coupled voltage controlled gain stage followed by a high speed current feedback operational amplifier which can directly drive a low impedance load. The gain adjustment range is 80 dB for up to 10 MHz which is accomplished by varying the gain control input voltage, VG.

Maximum gain is set by external components, and the gain can be reduced all the way to cutoff. Power consumption is 110 mW with a speed of 150 MHz and a gain control bandwidth (BW) of 100 MHz. Output referred DC offset voltage is less than 55 mV over the entire gain control voltage range. Device-to-device gain matching is within ±0.5 dB at maximum gain. Furthermore, gain is tested and ensured over a wide range. The output current feedback op amp allows high frequency large signals (Slew Rate = 1500 V/μs) and can also drive a heavy load current (60 mA) ensured.

Near ideal input characteristics (i.e. low input bias current, low offset, low pin 3 resistance) enable the device to be easily configured as an inverting amplifier as well.

To provide ease of use when working with a single supply, the VG range is set to be from 0V to +2V relative to the ground pin potential (pin 4). VG input impedance is high in order to ease drive requirement. In single supply operation, the ground pin is tied to a "virtual" half supply.

The LMH6505’s gain control is linear in dB for a large portion of the total gain control range from 0 dB down to 85 dB at 25°C, as shown below. This makes the device suitable for AGC applications. For linear gain control applications, see the LMH6503 datasheet.

The LMH6505MMX/NOPB is available in either the 8-Pin SOIC or the 8-Pin VSSOP package. The combination of minimal external components and small outline packages allows the LMH6505MMX/NOPB to be used in space-constrained applications.


  • VS = ±5V, TA = 25°C, RF = 1 k, RG = 100, RL = 100, AV = AVMAX = 9.4 V/V, Typical Values Unless Specified.
  • 3 dB BW 150 MHz
  • Gain Control BW 100 MHz
  • Adjustment Range (<10 MHz) 80 dB
  • Gain Matching (Limit) ±0.50 dB
  • Supply Voltage Range 7V to 12V
  • Slew Rate (Inverting) 1500 V/μs
  • Supply Current (No Load) 11 mA
  • Linear Output Current ±60 mA
  • Output Voltage Swing ±2.4V
  • Input Noise Voltage 4.4 nV/√Hz
  • Input Noise Current 2.6 pA/√Hz
  • THD (20 MHz, RL = 100, VO = 2 VPP) 45 dBc

LMH6505MMX/NOPB所属分类:仪表/运算/缓冲放大器,LMH6505MMX/NOPB 由 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。LMH6505MMX/NOPB价格参考¥21.511413,你可以下载 LMH6505MMX/NOPB中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询LMH6505MMX/NOPB规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
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