The AD706JNZ is a dual, low power, bipolar op amp that has thelow input bias current of a JFET amplifier, but which offers asignificantly lower IB drift over temperature. It utilizes superbetabipolar input transistors to achieve picoampere input bias currentlevels (similar to FET input amplifiers at room temperature),while its IB typically only increases by 5 at 125°C (unlike aJFET amp, for which IB doubles every 10°C for a 1000increase at 125°C). The AD706JNZ also achieves the microvoltoffset voltage and low noise characteristics of a precision bipolarinput amplifier.
Since it has < 200 pA of bias current, the AD706JNZ does notrequire the commonly used “balancing” resistor. Furthermore,the current noise is only 50 fA/√Hz, which makes this amplifierusable with very high source impedances. At 600 A max supplycurrent (per amplifier), the AD706JNZ is well suited for today’shigh density boards.
The AD706JNZ is an excellent choice for use in low frequencyactive filters in 12-bit and 14-bit data acquisition systems, inprecision instrumentation, and as a high quality integrator. TheAD706JNZ is internally compensated for unity gain and is availablein five performance grades. The AD706J is rated over thecommercial temperature range of 0°C to +70°C. The AD706A israted for the extended industrial temperature range of −40°Cto +85°C.
The AD706JNZ is offered in two varieties of an 8-lead package:PDIP and surface-mount (SOIC).
Product Highlights
- High DC Precision
- 100 µV Max Offset Voltage
- 1.5 µV/°C Max Offset Drift
- 200 pA Max Input Bias Current
- 0.5 µV p-p Voltage Noise, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
- 750 µA Supply Current
- Available in 8-Lead PDlP and Surface-Mount (SOIC) Packages
- Available in Tape and Reel in Accordance with EIA-481A Standard
- Quad Version:
- Low Frequency Active Filters
- Precision Instrumentation
- Precision Integrators
(Picture: Pinout)