The TSX339IQ4T is a micropower CMOS dual voltage comparator which exhibits a very low current consumption of 5 μA typical per comparator. This device was designed as the improvement of the TS339: it shows a lower current consumption, a better input offset voltage, and an enhanced ESD tolerance. The TSX339IQ4T is fully specified over a wide temperature range and is proposed in automotive grade for the TSSOP14 package. It is fully compatible with TS339 CMOS comparator and is available with similar packages. The new tiny package, QFN16 3x3, is also proposed for the TSX339IQ4T thus allowing even more integration on applications.
- Lowsupplycurrent:5μAtyp.percomparator
- Widesinglesupplyrange2.7Vto16Vordualsupplies(±1.35Vto±8V)
- Extremelylowinputbiascurrent:1pAtyp.
- Inputcommon-modevoltagerangeincludesground
- Opendrainoutput
- Highinputimpedance:1012 Ωtyp
- Fastresponsetime:2μstyp.for5mVoverdrive
- ESDtolerance:4kVHBM,200VMM