The FMS6363CSX low-cost video filter (LCVF) is intended to replace passive LC filters and drivers with a low-cost integrated device. Three sixth-order filters provide improved image quality compared to typical lower-order passive solutions. The FMS6363CSX may be directly driven by a DC-coupled DAC output or an AC-coupled signal. Internal diode clamps and bias circuitry may be used if AC-coupled inputs are required (<i>see Applications section for details</i>). The outputs can drive AC-or DC-coupled single (150 Ω) loads. DC-coupling the outputs removes the need for output coupling capacitors. The input DC levels are offset approximately +280 mV at the output (<i>see Applications section for details</i>).
- Three Sixth-order 30 MHz (HD) Filters
- Transparent Input Clamping
- Single video Drive Load (2 Vpp, 150 Ω AV = 6dB)
- AC or DC-coupled Inputs
- AC or DC-coupled Outputs
- DC-coupled Outputs Eliminate AC-coupling Capacitors
- 5 V Only
- Robust 8 KV ESD Protection
- Camcorder
- Set Top Boxes
- Video Game Console