9icnet provides you with FMS.0M.305.XLM designed and produced by LEMO, which is sold in 9icnet on the spot, and can be purchased through channels such as the original factory and agents. FMS.0M.305.XLM price reference $81.79000. LEMO FMS.0M.305.XLM Package/Specification: CONN PLUG FMALE 5POS GOLD CRIMP. You can download FMS.0M.305.XLM english data, pin diagram, Datasheet data sheet function manual, the data contains detailed pin diagrams of diode rectifiers, application circuit diagrams of functions, voltages, usage methods and tutorials.
Prices and stocks marked on 9icnet are for reference only. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can contact us by email or online message, such as FMS.0M.305.XLM price, stock quantity, data sheet and manufacturer. We look forward to your contact and provide you with quality service.
The FMRXQ1-433 is RF TXRX MODULE ISM, that includes Tube Packaging, they are designed to operate with a Module Package Case, Frequency is shown on datasheet note for use in a 433MHz, it has an Operating Temperature range of -20°C ~ 70°C, Mounting Type is designed to work in Connector Mount, as well as the -100dBm Sensitivity, the device can also be used as 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V Voltage Supply. In addition, the Data Rate is 20kBaud, the device is offered in UART Serial Interfaces, the device has a 5dBm of Power Output, and Current Receiving is 12mA, and the RF Family Standard is General ISM, and Current Transmitting is 26mA, and the Antenna Type is Not Included.
The FMRTFQ2-433R is TRANSMITTER FM HYBRID 250 METERS, that includes 2.5 V ~ 12 V Voltage Supply, they are designed to operate with a 5dBm Power Output, Packaging is shown on datasheet note for use in a Tube, that offers Package Case features such as Module, it has an Operating Temperature range of -25°C ~ 80°C, as well as the FM Modulation or Protocol, the device can also be used as 433.92MHz Frequency. In addition, the Data Rate Max is 9.6kbps, the device is offered in PCB, Through Hole Data Interface, the device has a 7mA of Current Transmitting, and Applications is Car Alarms, Remote Sensing, Wireless Security, and the Antenna Connector is PCB, Surface Mount.
The FMS is Wire Ducting FIBER MGMT SPOOL manufactured by Panduit. is part of the Wire Ducts, Raceways, , and with support for Wire Ducting FIBER MGMT SPOOL, FIBER MANAGEMENT SPOOL, Cable Accessories Mounting Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Black.
FMS.0M.305.XLC with EDA / CAD Models manufactured by LEMO. is part of the Circular Connectors, , and with support for Standard Circular Connector.