Over-current protection for each channel has been designed into these devices and is activated at a nominal 500 mA. It protects each output from short circuits with supply voltages up to 32 V. When an output experiences a short circuit, the output current is limited at the 500 mA current clamp. In addition, foldback circuitry decreases the current limit if an excessive voltage is present across the output and assists in keeping the device within its SOA (safe operating area). An exclusive-OR circuit compares the input and output state of each driver. If either a short or open load condition is detected, a single FAULT output is turned on (active low). Similar devices, for operation to 1.3 A, are available as the UDx2547B/EB.
Continuous or multiple overload conditions causing the channel temperature to reach approximately 165°C will result in an additional linear decrease in the output current of the affected driver. If the fault condition is corrected, the output stage will return to its normal saturated condition.
The first character of the part number suffix determines the device operating temperature range. Suffix ‘S-’ is the standard -20°C to +85°C; suffix ‘E-’ is -40°C to +85°C; suffix ‘K-’ is for the industrial temperature range of -40°C to +125°C. Package suffix ‘-B’ devices are 16-pin power DIPs; suffix ‘-EB’ devices are 28-lead power PLCCs; and suffix ‘-LB’ are 16- lead power wide-body SOICs for surface-mount applications. All packages are of batwing construction to provide for maximum package power dissipation.
■ 300 mA Output Current per Channel
■ Independent Over-Current Protection &Thermal Limiting for Each Driver
■ Output Voltage to 60 V
■ Output SOA Protection
■ Fault-Detection Circuitry for Open or Shorted Load
■ Low Quiescent Current Sleep Mode
■ Integral Output Flyback/Clamp Diodes
■ TTL- and 5 V CMOS-Compatible Inputs
(Picture: Pinout)