9icnet provides you with G3NA-225B AC200-240 designed and produced by Omron Automation and Safety, which is sold in 9icnet on the spot, and can be purchased through channels such as the original factory and agents. G3NA-225B AC200-240 price reference $5.71692. Omron Automation and Safety G3NA-225B AC200-240 Package/Specification: SSR RELAY SPST-NO 25A 19-264V. You can download G3NA-225B AC200-240 english data, pin diagram, Datasheet data sheet function manual, the data contains detailed pin diagrams of diode rectifiers, application circuit diagrams of functions, voltages, usage methods and tutorials.
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The G3NA-220B-UTU AC200/240 is RELAY SSR 20A 200-240VAC ZERO, that includes G3NA Series, they are designed to operate with a HVAC Relays Product, Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Indicator, that offers Packaging features such as Bulk, Part Aliases is designed to work in G3NA220BUTUAC200240NC, as well as the Panel Mounting Style, the device can also be used as Screw Terminal Termination Style. In addition, the Package Case is Hockey Puck, the device is offered in Chassis Mount or Panel Mount Mounting Type, the device has a AC, Zero Cross of Output Type, and Voltage Input is 200 ~ 240VAC, and the Circuit is SPST-NO (1 Form A), and Voltage Load is 19 ~ 264 V, and the Contact Form is SPST (1 Form A), and Relay Type is Relay, and the Load Current is 20A, and Control Voltage Range is 200 VAC to 240 VAC, and the Load Voltage Rating is 24 VAC to 240 VAC, and Load Current Rating is 20 A, and the Input to Output Isolation Method is Optocoupler.
The G3NA-220B-UTU DC5-24 is RELAY SSR 20A 5-24VDC ZERO CROSS, that includes 19 ~ 264 V Voltage Load, they are designed to operate with a 5 ~ 24VDC Voltage Input, Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Indicator, that offers Termination Style features such as Screw Terminal, Series is designed to work in G3NA, as well as the Relay Relay Type, the device can also be used as HVAC Relays Product. In addition, the Part Aliases is G3NA220BUTUDC524NC, the device is offered in Bulk Packaging, the device has a Hockey Puck of Package Case, and Output Type is AC, Zero Cross, and the Mounting Style is Panel, and Mounting Type is Chassis Mount or Panel Mount, and the Load Voltage Rating is 24 VAC to 240 VAC, and Load Current Rating is 20 A, and the Load Current is 20A, and Input to Output Isolation Method is Optocoupler, and the Control Voltage Range is 5 VDC to 24 VDC, and Contact Form is SPST (1 Form A), and the Circuit is SPST-NO (1 Form A).
The G3NA-225B AC100-120 is RELAY SSR 25A@240VAC ZERO AC IN, that includes SPST-NO (1 Form A) Circuit, they are designed to operate with a 25A Load Current, Mounting Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Chassis Mount or Panel Mount, that offers Output Type features such as AC, Zero Cross, Package Case is designed to work in Hockey Puck, as well as the Bulk Packaging, the device can also be used as Relay Relay Type. In addition, the Series is G3NA, the device is offered in Screw Terminal Termination Style, the device has a 100 ~ 120VAC of Voltage Input, and Voltage Load is 19 ~ 264 V.