- 品牌: 先进热方案公司 (Advanced Thermal)
- 交期:5-7 工作日
- 自营
- 得捷
- 贸泽
起订量: 1
- 库存: 2
- 单价: ¥229,956.78768
- +
- 总计: ¥229,956.79
温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。
- 部件状态 可供货
- 配套使用/相关货物 -
- 制造厂商 先进热方案公司 (Advanced Thermal)
- 工具类型 热工及水压试验机
IFLOW-200 产品详情
The iFLOW-200� measures coolant temperatures from 0-70�C with the high accuracy of � 1�C. Differential pressure of the coolant in the cold plate is measured up to 103,000 Pa (15 psi), with the precise accuracy of � 1%. Distilled water is used as the reference coolant. For test comparisons, the system�s coolingVIEW� software can also calculate thermal resistance and pressure drop as a function of flow rate for selected liquids. The instrument system includes a pair of K-type thermocouples for measuring temperature changes on the cold plate surface. Temperatures are monitored on the coolingVIEW� interface. The iFLOW-200� system features easy set up and operation to save time when evaluating different cold plate models. Designed for accuracy and convenience, the iFLOW-200� simply requires setting the starting and ending coolant flow rates, and choosing the dwell time, pumping power and other parameters. These are easily done on any PC using the system�s user-friendly application program. iFLOW-200� measures a cold plate�s inlet/outlet fluid temperature, surface temperature, coolant volumetric flow rate and pressure drop by providing different flow rates to the cold plate. iFLOW-200� measures coolant temperature from 0-70oC with accuracy of +/-1oC, using K-type thermocouples. Distilled water is used as the reference coolant. iFLOW-200� measures cold plate differential pressure up to 103000 Pa (15 psi) with pressure measurement of +/-1% of full scale. iFLOW-200� features a separate control box and hydraulics units with USB connections. iFLOW-200� includes user-friendly coolingVIEW� application software that automates the testing of a cold plate by setting the required parameters. iFLOW-200� software, coolingVIEW�, calculates thermal resistance and pressure drop of the cold plate as a function of flow rate for selected liquids other than distilled water.
IFLOW-200所属分类:设备 - 专用,IFLOW-200 由 先进热方案公司 (Advanced Thermal) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。IFLOW-200价格参考¥229956.787683,你可以下载 IFLOW-200中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询IFLOW-200规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
先进热方案公司 (Advanced Thermal)
![先进热方案公司 (Advanced Thermal)](https://uploads.9icnet.com/images/brand/logo/web-advanced_thermal_solutions.png)
Advanced Thermal Solutions,Inc.(ATS)是一家专注于电子产品热管理的领先工程和制造公司,已有超过25年的历史。ATS成立于1989年,是一家咨询公司,现已发展成为一家完整...