9icnet provides you with J31SMT-A-D-K-32K768 designed and produced by Jauch Quartz, which is sold in 9icnet on the spot, and can be purchased through channels such as the original factory and agents. J31SMT-A-D-K-32K768 price reference $1.13000. Jauch Quartz J31SMT-A-D-K-32K768 Package/Specification: CRYSTAL 32.7680KHZ 12.5PF SMD. You can download J31SMT-A-D-K-32K768 english data, pin diagram, Datasheet data sheet function manual, the data contains detailed pin diagrams of diode rectifiers, application circuit diagrams of functions, voltages, usage methods and tutorials.
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32K724-600S5 with pin details, that includes Connectors Product, they are designed to operate with a Solder Termination Style, Voltage Rating is shown on datasheet note for use in a 480 V, it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 65 C to + 165 C, Impedance is designed to work in 50 Ohms, as well as the 2-Hole Flange Mounting Type, the device can also be used as Straight Orientation. In addition, the Contact Material is Beryllium Copper, the device is offered in Jack Gender, the device has a Stainless Steel of Body Material, and Contact Plating is Gold, and the Polarity is Standard, and Insulation Resistance is 5 GOhms, and the Mating Cycles is 500, and RF Series is SMA, and the Maximum Frequency is 18 GHz.
32K601-271L5 with user guide, that includes 480 V Voltage Rating, they are designed to operate with a Cable - Solder Termination Style, Series is shown on datasheet note for use in a SMA, that offers RF Series features such as SMA, Product is designed to work in Connectors, as well as the Straight Orientation, it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 65 C to + 165 C. In addition, the Mounting Type is Bulkhead, the device is offered in 18 GHz Maximum Frequency, the device has a 500 of Mating Cycles, and Insulation Resistance is 5 GOhms, and the Impedance is 50 Ohms, and Gender is Jack, and the Contact Plating is Gold, and Contact Material is Beryllium Copper, and the Cable Type is UT 85 RTK-FS 085.
32K453-K00L5 with circuit diagram, that includes SMA N Connector Type, they are designed to operate with a Beryllium Copper Contact Material, Contact Plating is shown on datasheet note for use in a Gold, that offers Frequency Range features such as DC to 11 GHz, Impedance is designed to work in 50 Ohms, as well as the 11 GHz Maximum Frequency, the device can also be used as Straight Orientation. In addition, the Series is Between Series Adapter, the device is offered in Jack (Female) Side 1 Gender, the device has a Normal of Side 1 Polarity, and Side 1 RF Series is SMA, and the Side 2 Gender is Jack (Female), and Side 2 Polarity is Normal, and the Side 2 RF Series is N.
32K601-K00L5 with EDA / CAD Models, that includes Straight Orientation, they are designed to operate with a SMA RF Series, Side 1 Polarity is shown on datasheet note for use in a Normal, that offers Side 2 Polarity features such as Normal, Side 1 Gender is designed to work in Jack (Female), as well as the Jack (Female) Side 2 Gender, the device can also be used as Gold Contact Plating. In addition, the Frequency Range is DC to 18 GHz, the device is offered in Between Series Adapter Series, the device has a Beryllium Copper of Contact Material, and Mating Cycles is 500, and the Impedance is 50 Ohms, and Maximum Frequency is 18 GHz.