The is a high power linear amplifier for use in digital communications systems. It combines low noise figure and high intercept point into a low cost SMT solution. This device extends the linear efficiency advantages of the AH1 to higher power levels. The device packaging allows for both balanced and push-pull operation. A mature and reliable GaAs MESFET technology is employed to maximize linearity at low power dissipation. The package is a thermally enhanced SOIC-8 and all devices are 100% RF tested.
configuration 47 dBm in a Push-Pull configuration 3.7 dB Noise Figure 12 dB Gain 27 dBm P1dB Surface Mount Thermally enhanced SOIC-8 pkg Single +5 Volt Supply
Specifications (Frequency range limited by external baluns)Parameter Frequency Range (MHz) Supply Voltage (V) Gain (dB) S11/S22 (dB) Output IP3 (dBm) Noise Figure (dB) Output P1dB (dBm) Operating Current Range (mA) Gain (dB) S11/S22 (dB) Output IP3 (dBm) Noise Figure (dB) Output P1dB (dBm) Operating Current Range (mA) Minimum Typical Maximum 2100 Condition
Test conditions unless otherwise noted. = 25�C, Vdd V, 50 system. 1. Typical specifications reflect AH11 measured with external matching circuits. 2. OIP3 measured with 2 tones at an output power of 8 dBm/tone balanced, 11 dBm/tone push-pull, separated by 10 MHz. The suppression on the largest IM3 product is used to calculate OIP3 using a 2:1 slope rule. 3. Balun loss affects noise figure.
Parameter Operating Case Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Supply Voltage Input RF Power (continuous) Rating V +13 dBm
Part No. AH11 AH11BalCKT Description Linear Amplifier, 500 pieces per reel Fully assembled Circuit Balanced configuration 600-2100 MHz AH11_0.9PPCKT Fully assembled Circuit Push-Pull configuration 900 MHz AH11_1.9PPCKT Fully assembled Circuit Push-Pull configuration 1900 MHz
Watkins-Johnson Company Wireless Products Group: 1-800-WJ1-4401 FAX: 408-433-5649 e-mail: Web site:
Frequency Magnitude S21 Magnitude S11 Magnitude OIP2 OIP3 Bias SchematicQTY Description Hi pwr Linear Amp 90 Coupler Wideband 56 pF Capacitor pF Capacitor.01uF Capacitor 12 nH Inductor 2.0 pF Capacitor 100 ohm Resistor Size SOIC8 MFR WJ Anaren Kemet Toko Kemet Part No. AH11 11305-3 Magnitude (dB) 20
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice.
QTY Description Hi pwr Linear Amp 180 Balun 0.9 GHz 56 pF Capacitor pF Capacitor.01uF Capacitor 47 nH Inductor 10 nH Inductor Size SOIC8 MFR WJ Anaren Kemet Coilcraft Toko Part No. AH11 3A425