L6726A is a single-phase step-down controller with integrated high-current drivers that provides complete control logic, protections and reference voltage to realize in an easy and simple way general DC-DC converters by using a compact SO-8 package.
Device flexibility allows managing conversions with power input VIN as low as 1.5V and device supply voltage ranging from 5V to 12V. L6726A provides simple control loop with transconductance error amplifier. The integrated 0.8V reference allows regulating output voltage with ±1% accuracy over line and temperature variations. Oscillator is internally fixed to 270kHz. L6726A provides programmable over current protection. Current information is monitored across the Low-Side mosfet RdsON saving the use of expensive and space-consuming sense resistors. FB disconnection protection prevents excessive and dangerous output voltages in case of floating FB pin.
- LS-LESSstartup
- Programmablesoft-start
- FBdisconnectionprotection
- Disablefunction
- SO-8package
- SensorlessandprogrammableOCPacrossLow-sideRdsON
- 0.8Vinternalreference