The L6738ATR is a single-phase step-down controller with integrated high-current drivers that provides complete control logic and protection to realize a DC-DC converter.
The device flexibility allows the management of conversions with power input VINas low as 1.5 V and the device supply voltage ranging from 5 V to 12 V bus. The L6738ATR features a proprietary algorithm that allows light-load efficiency optimization, boosting efficiency without compromising the output voltage ripple. The integrated 0.8 V reference allows the generation of output voltages with ±0.5% accuracy over line and temperature variations. The oscillator is programmable up to 600 kHz. The L6738ATR provides a programmable dual-level overcurrent protection and overvoltage protection. The current information is monitored across the inductor DCR. The L6738ATR is available in a VFQFPN 16 3x3 mm package.
- Flexiblepowersupplyfrom5Vto12Vbus
- Powerconversioninputaslowas1.5V
- Light-loadefficiencyoptimization
- Embeddedbootstrapdiode
- VINdetector
- 0.8Vinternalreference
- 0.5%outputvoltageaccuracy
- RemoteGNDrecovery
- High-currentintegrateddrivers