The IDT 54FCT573TDB is an octal transparent latch with 3-state outputs and is intended for bus oriented applications. The flip-flops appear transparent to the data when Latch Enable (LE) is high. When LE is low, the data that meets the set-up time is latched. The 54FCT573TDB operates at -55C to +125C. (For commercial version, see 74FCT573T)
- Std., A, and C speeds
- Low input and output leakage <1 uA (max.)
- CMOS power levels
- True TTL input and output compatibility:– VOH = 3.3V (typ.)
- – VOL = 0.3V (typ.)
- High Drive outputs (-15mA IOH, 48mA IOL)
- Meets or exceeds JEDEC standard 18 specifications
- Military product compliant to MIL-STD-883, Class B and DESC listed (dual marked)
- Power off disable outputs permit "live insertion"
- Available in 20 pin CERDIP and LCC package