The TC58BVG0S3HBAI4 is a single 3.3V 1Gbit (1,107,296,256 bits) NAND Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory (NAND E2PROM) organized as (2048 + 64) bytes × 64 pages × 1024 blocks. The device has a 2112-byte static register which allows program and read data to be transferred between the register and the memory cell array in 2112-bytes increments. The Erase operation is implemented in a single block unit (128 Kbytes + 4 Kbytes: 2112 bytes × 64 pages).
The TC58BVG0S3HBAI4 is a serial-type memory device which utilizes the I/O pins for both address and data input/output as well as for command inputs. The Erase and Program operations are automatically executed making the device most suitable for applications such as solid-state file storage, voice recording, image file memory for stillcameras and other systems which require high-density non-volatile memory data storage.
The TC58BVG0S3HBAI4 has ECC logic on the chip and 8bit read errors for each 528Bytes can be corrected internally.
• Organization x8
- Memory cell array 2112 × 64K × 8
- Register 2112× 8
- Page size 2112 bytes
- Block size (128K + 4K) bytes
• Modes
- Read, Reset, Auto Page Program, Auto Block Erase, Status Read, Page Copy, ECC Status Read
• Mode control
- Serial input/output
- Command control
• Number of valid blocks
- Min 1004 blocks
- Max 1024 blocks
• Power supply
- VCC = 2.7V to 3.6V
• Access time
- Cell array to register 40 µs typ.
- Read Cycle Time 25 ns min (CL=50pF)
• Program/Erase time
- Auto Page Program 330 µs/page typ.
- Auto Block Erase 2.5 ms/block typ.
• Operating current
- Read (25 ns cycle) 30 mA max
- Program (avg.) 30 mA max
- Erase (avg.) 30 mA max
- Standby 50 µA max
• Package
- P-TFBGA63-0911-0.80CZ (Weight: 0.15 g typ.)
• 8bit ECC for each 528Bytes is implemented on a chip
(Picture:Pinout / Diagram)