

  • 描述:存储类型: Volatile 存储格式: DRAM 存储容量: 256Mb (32M x 8) 电源电压: 2.3伏~2.7伏 时钟频率: 133兆赫 供应商设备包装: 60-FBGA (8x14)
  • 品牌: 镁光 (Micron)
  • 交期:5-7 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽

起订量: 1

  • 库存: 0
  • 单价: ¥57.61003
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥57.61

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 存储类型 Volatile
  • 存储格式 DRAM
  • 储存接口 并联
  • 时钟频率 133兆赫
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 单字、单页写入耗时 15纳秒
  • 技术 SDRAM-DDR
  • 电源电压 2.3伏~2.7伏
  • 工作温度 0摄氏度~70摄氏度(TA)
  • 制造厂商 镁光 (Micron)
  • 存储容量 256Mb (32M x 8)
  • 部件状态 Digi-Key停产
  • 包装/外壳 60-FBGA
  • 访达时期 750 ps
  • 供应商设备包装 60-FBGA (8x14)

MT46V32M8FG-75:G 产品详情

The DDR SDRAM's MT46V32M8FG-75 uses a double data rate architecture to achieve high-speed operation. The double data rate architecture is essentially a 2n-prefetch architecture with an interface designed to transfer two data words per clock cycle at the I/O pins. A single read or write access for The MT46V32M8FG-75 effectively consists of a single 2n-bit-wide, one-clockcycle data transfer at the internal DRAM core and two corresponding n-bit-wide, onehalf-clock-cycle data transfers at the I/O pins. A bidirectional data strobe (DQS) is transmitted externally, along with data, for use in data capture at the receiver. DQS is a strobe transmitted by The MT46V32M8FG-75 during READs and by the memory controller during WRITEs. DQS is edge-aligned with data for READs and center-aligned with data for WRITEs. The x16 offering has two data strobes, one for the lower byte and one for the upper byte. 

The MT46V32M8FG-75 operates from a differential clock (CK and CK#); the crossing of CK going HIGH and CK# going LOW will be referred to as the positive edge of CK. Commands (address and control signals) are registered at every positive edge of CK. Input data is registered on both edges of DQS, and output data is referenced to both edges of DQS, as well as to both edges of CK. Read and write accesses to The MT46V32M8FG-75 are burst oriented; accesses start at a selected location and continue for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. Accesses begin with the registration of an ACTIVE command, which may then be followed by a READ or WRITE command. The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVE command are used to select the bank and row to be accessed. The address bits registered coincident with the READ or WRITE command are used to select the bank and the starting column location for the burst access. 

The MT46V32M8FG-75 provides for programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths of 2, 4, or 8 locations. An auto precharge function may be enabled to provide a self-timed row precharge that is initiated at the end of the burst access.


• VDD = +2.5V ±0.2V, VDDQ = +2.5V ±0.2V

• VDD = +2.6V ±0.1V, VDDQ = +2.6V ±0.1V (DDR400)

• Bidirectional data strobe (DQS) transmitted/ received with data, that is, source-synchronous data capture (x16 has two – one per byte)

• Internal, pipelined double-data-rate (DDR) architecture; two data accesses per clock cycle

• Differential clock inputs (CK and CK#)

• Commands entered on each positive CK edge

• DQS edge-aligned with data for READs; centeraligned with data for WRITEs

• DLL to align DQ and DQS transitions with CK

• Four internal banks for concurrent operation

• Data mask (DM) for masking write data (x16 has two – one per byte)

• Programmable burst lengths (BL): 2, 4, or 8

• Auto refresh

– 64ms, 8192-cycle(Commercial & Industrial)

– 16ms, 8192-cycle (Automotive)

• Self refresh (not available on AT devices)

• Longer-lead TSOP for improved reliability (OCPL)

• 2.5V I/O (SSTL_2-compatible)

• Concurrent auto precharge option supported

• tRAS lockout supported (t RAP = t RCD)

MT46V32M8FG-75:G所属分类:存储器,MT46V32M8FG-75:G 由 镁光 (Micron) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。MT46V32M8FG-75:G价格参考¥57.610027,你可以下载 MT46V32M8FG-75:G中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询MT46V32M8FG-75:G规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

镁光 (Micron)

镁光 (Micron)


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