The HV6810WG-G is a monolithic integrated circuit designed to drive a dot matrix or segmented vacuum fluorescent display (VFD). These devices feature a serial data output to cascade additional devices for large displays.A 10-bit data word is serially loaded into the shift register on the positive-going transition of the clock. Parallel data is transferred to the output buffers through a 10-bit D-type latch while the latch enable input is high, and is latched when the latch enable is low. When the blanking input is high, all of the outputs are low.Outputs are structures formed by double-diffused MOS (DMOS) transistors with output voltage ratings of 80V and 25mA source-current capability. All inputs are compatible with CMOS levels.
- High Output Voltage 80V
- High speed 5MHz @5.0VDD
- Low power IBB ≤ 0.1mA (all high)
- Active pull down 100µA min @25OC
- Output source current 25mA @60V VBB
- Each device drives 10 lines
- High-speed serially-shifted data input
- 5.0V CMOS-compatible inputs
- Latches on all driver outputs
- Pin-compatible replacement for UCN5810A and TL4810A, TL4810B