The IFX4949 is a monolithic integrated 5V voltage regulator with a very low dropout output and additional functions as undervoltage reset with power-on reset delay and input voltage sense. It is designed to supply microcontroller controlled systems in all kinds of applications.
- Operating DC Supply Voltage Range 5 V to 28 V
- PG-DSO8 package
- Transient Supply Voltage up to 40 V
- Extremely low Quiescent Current in Standby Mode
- High Precision Standby Output Voltage 5 V ±1%
- Output Current Capability up to 100 mA
- Very low Dropout Voltage less than 0.5 V
- Reset Circuit sensing the Output Voltage
- Programmable Reset Pulse Delay with External Capacitor
- Voltage Sense Comparator
- Thermal Shutdown and Short Circuit Protections
- Green Product (RoHS)
- Compatible to Industry Market Standard Device *4949
- Fully specified 100mA voltage regulator
- Guaranteed accuracy (3%) @ no load condition
- Improved accuracy (3%) from 50mA to 100mA with 6V <= Vin <= 28V
- Wide Temperature Range
- Industrial Automation
- Telecom
- White Goods