The KIT700-168D28 parts manufactured by SOURIAU are available for purchase at 9icnet Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The KIT700-168D28 components of 9icnet Electronics are carefully chosen, undergo stringent quality control, and are successfully meet all required standards.
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The KIT5VSOPXBRD is KIT EVALUATION FOR 5VSOPX, that includes Evaluation Boards Product, they are designed to operate with a Pressure Sensors Type, Voltage Supply is shown on datasheet note for use in a 6 V ~ 26 V, that offers Sensor Type features such as Pressure, Supplied Contents is designed to work in Partially Populated Board, as well as the No Embedded, the device can also be used as 5 V Operating Supply Voltage. In addition, the Tool Is For Evaluation Of is MP3V5100.
The KIT5000UZ is KIT CAP CERM HI FREQ 0402, that includes 6.3 ~ 50 V Voltage Rated, they are designed to operate with a ±0.1pF, ±5% Tolerance, Series is shown on datasheet note for use in a U, that offers Quantity features such as 750 Pcs (25 Per Value), Packaging is designed to work in Notebook, as well as the 0402 (1005 Metric) Packages Included, the device can also be used as Surface Mount Mounting Type. In addition, the Kit Type is Ceramic, the device is offered in Ultra Low ESR Features, the device has a 0.5pF ~ 15pF of Capacitance, and Applications is RF, Microwave, High Frequency.
KIT-6POLE with circuit diagram, more KIT-6POLE informations to contact Tech-supports team please.
The KIT700-139D28 is Heavy Duty Power Connectors COAX KIT manufactured by Souriau. is part of the Power Connectors, , and with support for Heavy Duty Power Connectors COAX KIT, COAX KIT.