NE555 frequency online calculator 555 integrated circuit parameter application calculation
Find the output value based on the metacondition
Calculation formula:
T2 (off-time) = 0.693 * R2 * C1 T = 0.693*( (R1 + 2R2) * C1) F = 1/ T = 1.44 / ( (R1 + 2R2) * C1) D = (T1 /(T1+T2))*100
R1: R K M R2: R K M C: uF nF pF
T1 Rising edge = second T2 Falling edge = S T Total week = S Frequency = Hz Duty cycle = % Duty cycle≥50%
Find the resistance value according to the output conditions Duty cycle ≤50%
Evaluated according to output conditions or components Duty cycle ≥50%