Note: the difference between MiB and MB, KiB and KB::
1KB(kilobyte)=1000byte, 1KiB(kibibyte)=1024byte
1MB(megabyte)=1000000byte, 1MiB(mebibyte)=1048576byte
Hard diskThe manufacturer computes in GB (decimal, 10 to the third power = 1000, for example, 1MB = 1000KB) and the computer (operating system) computes in GiB (binary, 2 to the tenth power, such as 1MiB = 1024KiB), but the vertical user is generally understood to be 1MB = 1024KB. Therefore, in order to facilitate the understanding of Chinese culture, it is also possible to translate MiB into MB.
Also, depending on the manufacturer's and user's perceptions of the 1MB size, the actual capacity of many 160-gigabyte hard disks is less than 160 gigabytes per computer's actual 1MB = 1024 KB, which may explain why the newly purchased hard disks are not as big as it indicates.
Broadband networkIn broadband networks, operators say 1M bandwidth refers to 1Mbps (megabits per Second, megabits per second). Bps is an abbreviation for bit per Second, which means "bits" per second. Is a single "bit" used to calculate the data transfer rate. For example, the telecom office usually says 1M wide, the unit used is bps, we all know that one byte is equal to 8 bits, and our computer's storage unit uses bytes, which is theoretically per second. The hard disk downloads 1X1024/8=128KB/sec data. But this is only a theoretical speed. In fact, you need to deduct about 12% of the data header information (including Ethernet Header, IP Header, TCP Header, ATM Header, etc.), a variety of control signals. Therefore, the upper limit of the transmission speed should be about 112KB/sec, and it should not be understood as "approximately 1M bytes of data per second. So don't be superstitious about advertising. In the case of transmission units, B and b represent Bytes and bits, respectively. The definition of the two is different, the gap is 8 times.