

通量密度在线计算器是一种工具,用于计算磁通量通过某个截面的单位面积上的磁通量密度。磁通量密度是一个物理量,通常用符号B表示,单位为特斯拉(T),定义为通过垂直于磁场的单位面积上的磁通量。通量密度在线计算器通常需要输入磁通量和截面积的值,然后计算器会根据下列公式计算通量密度:B = Φ / A其中,Φ表示磁通量,单位为韦伯(Wb),A表示截面积,单位为平方米(m²)。通量密度在线计算器可以帮助用户快速计算磁场的强度,并根据计算结果进行设计和优化。例如,在电磁学、电机、发电机和变压器等领域中,通量密度是一个非常重要的物理量,通量密度在线计算器可以帮助设计师更好地掌握和应用相关的物理原理和计算方法。

Communication condition
Voltage value of sinusoidal AC signal ( Vrms)
F(Frequency, the coil with the lowest frequency) (MHz)
                N (Number of turns)  
Ac (Iron core section) (cm2)
Optional DC condition
Idc (DC current through the coil. Optional) (A)
L Coil inductance, only the input coil DC current, the input is valid (uH)

BmaxMaximum magnetic flux density
Description: This calculator can perform geometric calculation of the maximum flux density to verify that it is below the specified value is the transformer core, making the core unsaturated. This calculator is very useful for matching the power required by the core size.

Magnetic flux density calculation formula:


Bmax(DC)=  (L*Idc*108)/(NAc)

Bmax= (Vrms*108)/(4.44*F*N*Ac) + (L*Idc*108)/(N*Ac) gauss

Note: If no DC current flows, the second formula is discarded.

 Condition AL(uH/100T2):

L= N2AL(uH/100T2)10-4

Bmax(DC)=  (N*AL(uH/100T2)104*Idc)/(Ac)

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