The MP4068GN-Z is a highly integrated TRIAC dimmable LED driver with a high power factor (PF). It precisely can output regulates precisely an accurate LED current for ain non-isolated lighting applications., Onlywith a single winding inductor is required to realize the solution. For low-line (120VAC) applications, tThe integrated 500V MOSFET can make sure ensures that the system canto withstand a pass 500V surge test without MOV or TVS for low line input application. The It features MPS’s proprietary hybrid operation mode, which is designed to to get a achieve good dimming performance. The MP4068GN-Z is specifically designed specifically for low- line input (120VAC), and TRIAC -dimmable LED lighting applications, especially for the low cost and small form factor applications.The accurate output LED current is achieved by an internal averaging current feedback loop. An internal high- voltage regulator makes the MP4068GN-Z start-up quickly without a perceptible delay. The power de-rating at high temperature makes the system flicker-free when the ambient temperature is high.The MP4068GN-Z has features various protection featuress like such as VCC UnderuUnder- vVoltage lLockout (UVLO), oOver- vVoltage pProtection (OVP), and sShort- cCircuit pProtection (SCP). All of these features make MP4068GN-Z an ideal solution for simple, off-line, and non-isolated TRIAC dimmable LED lighting applications.The MP4068GN-Z is available inn the TSOT23-5 and SOIC8-7A and SOIC-8 -EP packages. 9icnet Electronics is an authorized Monolithic Power Systems distributor.
- Excellent TRIAC Dimming Performance
- Lowest Cost BOM
- Constant Current LED Driver
- Integrated 500V MOSFET
- Internal HV Fast Start-Up
- Single Winding Inductor
- High Power Factor(>0.7)
- Good LED Current Accuracy
- Supports Buck/Buck-Boost Topology
- LED Current Foldback at High Temperature
- Thermal Shutdown (Auto Re-Start with Hysteresis)
- VCC Under-Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis (UVLO)
- Programmable Over-Voltage Protection
- Output Short-Circuit Protection
- Available in SOIC8-7A/SOIC-8 EP Packages