The MP2930EQK-LF-Z is a 4-phase, synchronous buck switching regulator controller for regulating microprocessor core voltage. MP2930EQK-LF-Z also uses dual edge PWM mode to realize fast load transient with fewer capacitors. For meeting the requirement of microprocessor output voltage drops tightly as load current increases, output current is sensed to realize voltage droop function. Accurate current balancing is included in MP2930EQK-LF-Z to provide current balance for each channel. 8-bit ID input with selectable VR11 code and extended VR10 code can set output voltage dynamically. The MP2930EQK-LF-Z also provides accurate and reliable over current protection and over voltage protection.
- 2-, 3- or 4-phase Operation
- Channel-Current Balancing
- Voltage Droop vs. Load Current
- Precision Resistor or DCR Current Sensing
- 8-Bit ID Input with Selectable Between VR11 and VR10 Code at 6.25mV Per Bit
- Adjustable Switching Frequency
- Over Current Protection
- Over Voltage Protection
- Available in a 40-pin QFN6x6 Package